SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and investment analysts scrutinize organizations to assess that minimum standards are upheld in the workplace and ensure that workers are getting a fair deal.

What is SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability?

This climate means that your organization will be called upon more and more to demonstrate its social responsibility.The most widely recognized global standard for managing human rights in the workplace is Social Accountability International’s SA 8000:2014. It is an editable standard, suitable for organizations of all sizes anywhere in the world, and provides a framework for assuring all of your stakeholders that social accountability is being stewarded by your management.

NGOs, investment analysts and other stakeholders, including your employees, are increasingly evaluating your organization’s commitment to ensuring a fair and equitable working environment and transparent business practices.

Benefits of implementing SA 8000
Enhanced opportunities to organised trade unions & bargain collectively.
A tool to educate workers about core labor right.
Less chance of accidents, better work environment leads to building of trust between workers & management.
Increased stability of the jobs to the workers
Enhanced company & brand reputation through adherence to this standard.
Improved staff morale & creation of a more committed work force.
Better relationship with the unions & other stakeholder.
Increased productivity due to employee’s loyalty,commitment, lower overhead costs and lower production costs per piece.