Responsible Care and RC 14001

Responsible Care® enables America’s leading chemical companies to achieve even higher standards of performance and generate greater value for their businesses. The Responsible Care Management System offers an integrated, structured approach to improve company performance in the following key areas: community awareness and emergency response; security; distribution; employee health and safety; pollution prevention; and process and product safety. The Responsible Care Management System’s framework is simple, building on a basic “Plan-Do-Check-Act” philosophy that raises the bar for industry-wide performance while allowing flexibility for individual companies and facilities to meet their specific needs.

Effectively reduce accidents and injuries which could result in liability.
Gain wide market recognition, increasing potential customer base.
Implement systems to monitor industry standards and regulations.
Becoming an eligible supplier to the chemical industry
Comply with environmental, health and safety laws and regulations.
Attain the highest ethical standards and prove responsible corporate citizenship.

Responsible Recycling© (R2) Certification:
The Responsible Recycling Practices Standard (R2:2013) certification, which is recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is a set of voluntary principles and guidelines designed to promote and assess responsible practices for electronics recyclers.

R2 Practices shall cover the proper management of Environmental and OH&S Issues
Carbon dioxide CO2, Methane CH4, Nitrous oxide N2O, Hydrofluorocarbons HFC, Perfluorocarbons PFC, Sulfur hexafluoride SF6, Nitrogen trifluoride NF3 and Hydrofluorinated ethers HFE

Proper Selection and Management of Downstream Vendors
Selection of the downstream vendors is of utmost importance. When the vendors are selected properly, it raises the standard of your product or services. Companies should always be aware of how they select their vendors in order to ensure proper operation of their products and services.

Be Aware of Data Destruction Practices
Always be aware of data destruction practices. Proper destruction of data will make your business more appealing to other companies who want to do business with your organization. It’s not always about your products or services, but it’s also how professional your company is in terms of handling private documentation and trade secrets. This is an important part of R2 certification.

Safe Storage Practices
Safe storage practices are important in any organization including those focused on environmental issues. If you want to learn more about the organization, you should learn the proper standards and implement them in the workplace. Everyone should have proper training to ensure that it’s implemented properly.

Functioning Security Program
Every company should have a functioning security program to ensure that their customers’ needs for protecting data are met. This should be understood by everyone in the organization to promote safe transactions and data handling. All intellectual property should be protected to give other companies assurance that your business is responsible and can handle any task given to them. Knowing how to establish a functioning security program is essential to R2 certification.