BRC Standard

BRC Certification standard can help the manufacturers and retailers who are looking for access to UK, Germany and France markets. Also it can fulfill the legal obligations and safeguard their consumers.

In 1998 the British Retail Consortium (BRC Standard), responding to industry needs, developed and introduced the BRC Food Technical Standard to be applied for evaluating capability manufacturers and retailers who have their own brand of food products. The adoption of HACCP is the main requirement of this standard.

ISO 22000 - FSMS

The BRC Global Standards covers a complete supply chain approach, there are 4 standards under the BRC umbrella, including:

BRC Global Food Standard,
BRC Storage and Distribution,
BRC IOP for Food Packaging, and
BRC Consumer Products.

Primary producers, processors, manufacturers, food service providers, animal feed suppliers etc can seek this

Food packaging is no different. BRC Global Standards, in partnership with The Packaging Society (IOP), created the BRC IOP Global Standard for Packing and Packaging Products to meet the demand. Like all GFSI-recognized standards, it incorporates feedback from key industry stakeholders to ensure it’s comprehensive enough for the global food industry.

The BRC IOP Standard is designed for:
Manufacturers of food-related packaging
Disposable and non-disposable consumer goods that come into contact with food like paper plates and plastic cutlery
Food cosmetics, toiletries, and other consumer products
Incorporated materials like adhesives, inks, coatings, and stock materials